Acer S200-zdielanie internetu s NB

  • 11 príspevkov
  • mogz01.06.2010 - 16:59 Trvalý odkaz

    framework instalujes tak, ze pripojis mobil v rezime activesync a instalaciu spustis v pc a dokoncis v mobile

    stiahni si wmwifirouter a ten ti spravi z mobilu router

    kenvele01.06.2010 - 17:00 Trvalý odkaz

    s tym net framework 3.5 stale sa to instaluje do zariadenia nie na pametovku, stiahnes subor pre windows mobile...
    a novy office 2010 stiahnes z Windows Marketplace priamo cez zariadenie,nahradi ti staru verziu ale pre wm 6.5 je to zadarmo update...ak ti nieco nepojde znova odinstalujes a stara verzia ti ostava...aspon ja som dal 2010 ale one note mi neslo spustit tak som sa vratil spet k starej verzii..zatial su nejake problemy s 2010 na niektorych zariadeniach...

    Marsus01.06.2010 - 17:17 Trvalý odkaz

    Ten framework som uz rozchodil, teraz by som chcel rozbehat to zdielanie netu z ntb do Aceru. Bude to fungovat, ked bude ako router Acer, nemusi to byt notebook? Pytam sa pre upresnenie, aby som nieco nepobabral. Ste kamosi, som vedel, ze sa tu oplati napisat.

    Spresnenie smartfon - Acer neotouch S200 a ntb - Dell XPS M1330.

    Marsus01.06.2010 - 20:40 Trvalý odkaz

    Este som nic nestiahol, len chcem vysvetlit, ze internet mam na ntb a chcem ho pouzivat zdielany na smartfone. Tam som vydedukoval, ze hotspot je wm phone. Vies som laik, myslim, ze hotspot vysiela internet, ci ho vie aj prijimat? Bude tiect z ntb do smartfonu?

    Chcel by som vlastne dosiahnut toto: v jednej izbe bytu mam ntb Dell XPS M1330 spojeny s monitorom a mam na nom internet Orange premium, chcel by som, ked sedim v obyvacke cca 12 metrov dostat ten internet do smartfonu Acer neotouch S200 a ten dalej do telky Samsung 7 generacie, do ktoreho som dokupil wifi adapter, aby som mohol rozbehat internetovu televiziu, co ma zabudovanu. Tak asi takto by som to chcel.

    juro01.06.2010 - 22:35 Trvalý odkaz

    no, ono by si skor mal z toho Dell-u urobit wifi hotspot a TV pripojit priamo na ntb

    Marsus01.06.2010 - 22:40 Trvalý odkaz

    Ved to prave, mam v nom Vistu. Ako na to? Simku mam v Espres karte. Kde by som nasiel nejaky navod, pri ktorom by sa velmi neznizila rychlost netu?

    cipiksvk01.06.2010 - 22:51 Trvalý odkaz

    vo viste treba nastavit zdielanie pripojenia, myslim ze by to malo stacit...ale mne to xp sa nedokazal na to pripojit...potom je dalsia moznost zdielat spojenie cez AS pomocou BT...alebo sim kartu mat v zariadeni...ale to asi nie je schopne ju pojat, ak by bolo tak v zariadeni sa da nastavit zdielanie internetu..najlepsie by bolo mat wi-fi router schopny prijat sim kartu a pomocou routeru sirit signal.

    Marsus02.06.2010 - 23:56 Trvalý odkaz

    Neslo mi to podla linku vyssie, tak sa chcem este spytat na toto:

    stiahol som si aplikaciu Acersync, ktoru som nainstaloval do ntb, ta mi do aplikacii Activesync v ntb a smartfone dinstalovala moznost spojenia pomocou "wifi". Spustil som Acersync na ntb a ten skenuje zariadenia a mal by najst ten Acer neotouch S200, ake nic. Lenze navod je v anglictine a potreboval by som prelozit a vysvetlit ako to mam dokoncit. Tu je to:

    How to setup a wireless connection for AcerSync?

    For Acer phones with wireless LAN (WLAN) features, the connection can be set up via wireless network (Wi-Fi network).
    Install ActiveSync/WMDC on your PC. Links available on Section II above.
    Make sure your Acer phone is installed with AcerSync, please refer to aforementioned Section I.
    Wait until the PC shows the following screen.

    Once installation on the phone is complete, you will be asked to reboot it. Click aEURsOKaEURt to reboot your Acer phone.

    When rebooting, disconnect your Acer phone from your PC.
    Setting up your Acer phone with your WLAN network: Once your Acer phone has booted to the home screen, it needs to connect to a wireless network. For security reasons, your Acer phone and your PC need to be under the same wireless network. This means both your Acer phone and your PC need to join the same wireless network name (SSID) and/or Access Point wireless router. Please do not attach a LAN cable to your PC.
    Pairing your Acer Windows Phone with your PC: For security reasons, your Acer phone needs to pair with a PC. To do this, simply add a WLAN profile using Acer Sync.

    a) Launch Acer Sync by the following link on PC/Notebook: Windows XP/Vista/7: Start menu --> All Programs --> A cer --> Acer Sync --> Acer Sync

    b) Click on aEURs+aEURt button to add a profile.

    c) When the profile window appears, select your Acer phone. Add your phone to create the pairing.

    d) On your PC, a window will appear displaying the passkey. The key is randomly generated every time a profile is created. Use this pairing code on your phone (344884 in this case)

    e) The aEURsenter pairing codeaEURt screen should appear on your Acer phone. Enter the code to finish pairing. Click on aEURsPairaEURt button to finish adding the profile.

    f) On your PC, your Acer phone is now listed in the profile list. Click the blue button to trigger WiFi sync.

    g) Launch ActiveSync/WMDC, ActiveSync is connected.

    h) During subsequent uses, ActiveSync can be connected via WLAN by going to the ActiveSync on your Acer pone and selecting the following on the aEURsMenuaEURt button: Menu --> Connect via WiFi --> (PC/Notebook name)

    Je to na, ked kliknete na obrazok s aplikaciou Acersync, vdaka srdecna.

    Marsus04.06.2010 - 00:55 Trvalý odkaz

    Mozete sa mi na to pozriet prosi vas? Dost je to pre mna dolezite. Kto sa v tom vyzna, tak to pre neho nebude tazke. Vdaka, aj za upravenie temy.