Nokia 9300

  • Martin Hombauer 18.06.2005 - 19:01

    Lawrence Max: My name is Lawrence Max from United Kingdom, I saw your advertisement on I am Buying it for my Pastor, as a birthday gift... I hope you do understand that this is the matter of the urgency.. I will make the payment through My Online Hsbc Bank Transfer Directly into your account... I will make the payment, so Once I make the Payment my bank will e-mail you with the payment reciept comfirmation.. so You have to shipment the Item out to my Pastor through UPS courier service and email me and my bank the Tracking number or the airwaybill reciept from UPS... I will need the following details for the bank transfer:
    Beneficiary's Name:
    Bank Name:
    Account Number:
    Total Item Price + shipping through UPS:
    Email address:
    Bank Phone number:
    Beneficiary's Phone number:
    Awaiting your reply...
    God Bless

    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060909 Firefox/

  • anonymous19.02.2009 - 19:18 Trvalý odkaz

    kokot: Super fón !!! AŽ na ten fo?ák do pi?e !

    anonymous06.03.2010 - 12:07 Trvalý odkaz

    Luriel: Hh tebe nikto nehovoril pravidla tohto fora? Nemozes tu pouzivat vulgarizmy, nemozes tu urazat ludi, lebo ti tu zablokuju pristup a mozes si piskat

    anonymous06.03.2010 - 18:54 Trvalý odkaz

    Luriel: a to je len asi velmi maly zlomok pravidiel tohto fora

    anonymous14.12.2010 - 00:30 Trvalý odkaz

    Marian6663: Ke? chceš lepši fo?ak tak si kúp E90 a treba pozera? aj nato z akej doby je ten phone v prvom rade,je ur?ený pre manažerské a podnikavé typy,manažer nepotrebujem fo?ak,každý phone má ur?itú cie?ovú skupinu ?udí a finsky vyrobca vedel s akým zámerom ho vyrobil,je to kvalitný smartphone s OS Symbian..

    anonymous16.05.2011 - 23:26 Trvalý odkaz

    Misael: Preco telefony s inym symbianom ako s60 nekomentujete tak casto, keby tento telefon mal s60 urcite by tu bolo aspon 1000 prispevkov.

    anonymous07.06.2011 - 16:39 Trvalý odkaz

    Palco: POMOC dal som kartu do pc a vymazal som zlosku system teras mi nechce nacitat kartu.Co mam robit